Posts tagged Talent management
Why performance management is important even for small businesses

Performance management is a crucial aspect of any organization as it helps in aligning the goals and objectives of the organization with the employees' work and development. It is a continuous process that involves setting clear expectations, providing feedback and support, and evaluating and measuring the employee's performance.

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How to write a good job ad

Your job ad is the single biggest factor influencing what kind of candidates you’re likely to receive applications from. So if you mailbox is full of mismatched applications, don’t blame the job boards. You just wrote a bad job ad most likely. What’s worse is that even good candidates saw how badly you write.

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How to build right competencies in teams

Do you know you can improve team performance 3x by just following plugHR way of competency building in your venture?  Lot of ventures don't even attempt, some give up because of the rigor involved.In plugHRapp, we have built a tool that allows you to begin building competencies far easily than any other way. In addition, plugHR competency expert can cover the ground work for you.

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